My Morning Routine

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It’s hard to stick to an exact day to day routine as it completely depends on what my work schedules looks like, which season I am in, travel commitments, weekends, and everything else life throws my away.

However, I have learned over the years that my days are so much better when I invest the time into following a good morning routine because the commitment to the rituals offers me so much more than the time and effort that they take.

6 am: WAKE UP - Now that the sun is rising earlier it has been easier for me to get up early in the morning. I am very much a morning person and like to wake up with the sun to make the most of my day.

6.10 am: HYDRATE MY BODY - The first thing I like to do in the morning is to drink a whole liter of water to hydrate my body. In the summer month and when its hot outside I like to squeeze in some lemon juice into my water to feel extra reenergized. For the colder months, I drink it hot or have a herbal tea instead. Peppermint is a good one.

6.20 am: SUN SALUTATIONS/ RUNNINGMost mornings I like to start with a good stretch. I find that 15 minutes of sun salutations (5 Surya Namaskara A & 3 Surya Namaskara B) really wakes up my body and makes me want to carry doing some more yoga. I usually work on a few new poses that I like to get better in. On weekends I normally like to go for a run. I started up running last year as part of a challenge and really fell in love with it.  Going for a long Sunday run helps me clear up my mind and get ready for the week ahead.

7 am: BREAKFAST - When it comes to breakfast I am a creature of habit and have most days a bowl of warm porridge with cinnamon and a good dollop of peanut butter on top. I eat it with my children in the morning and like to not have many distractions on the table. So that we can focus on our foods and slow down a little before the day begins.

7.30 am: JUMP IN THE SHOWER - After breakfast, my children leave for school and I have the house to myself. That’s when I jump in the shower and savor the refreshing feeling.

7.45 am: HAIR & MAKE UP - I love putting on makeup, while a lot of women find getting ready and putting make up in the morning a bit of a chore, I don’t like to rush this part of my routine. Making my self look good makes me feel good and confident to face the day, plus doing the whole makeup routine relaxes me. I use mainly cruelty-free makeup products, a good one that I like to use and performs well is Hourglass.

8.30 am READY FOR WORK - After I have done my whole morning routine I feel ready to face the day with a healthy dose of optimism and positivity. 

So that’s my morning routine more or less. I am sure I will add or take away bits the suit me better as its an ever-evolving ritual. I found that keeping it simple is the best way to keep coming back to a healthy routine. But I also do not punish myself when I don’t do any exercise in the morning and prefer to stay in bed. It's all part of it.


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